The Heartless Monkey
Balivardha, an old and wise monkey, lived on a tree near a river bank. One day, a crocodile named Krakacha came out of the river to rest under the shade of this tree.
"Hello, sir," said the hospitable monkey. "Try these delicious fruits. They'll quench your thrist."
The crocodile ate the fruit with great relish. "Thank you," he said, "but I must tell you I'm quite surprised. Why did you offer them to me?"
Balivardha said, "You rested under my home and that makes you my guest. Guests must always be treated well."
Balivardha and Krakacha became good friends. Every day, the crocodile would visit the monkey, and they would eat the fruit together.
One day, Krakacha took some of the fruit home to his wife. His wife was delighted.
"Where did you get such tasty fruit?', she asked.
"I have a monkey friend who gives them to me every day," Krakacha replied. They grow on the tree on which he lives."
"Ooh!" said the wife. "If he eats these every day, think sweet his heart must be! I want you to bring it so I can eat it for dinner."
Krakacha was shocked. " I can't do that. The monkey is my best friend."
Replied his wife,"Now I know the truth. You love the monkey more than me. If you don't bring me the heart, I'm going to kill myself."
"Hello, sir," said the hospitable monkey. "Try these delicious fruits. They'll quench your thrist."
The crocodile ate the fruit with great relish. "Thank you," he said, "but I must tell you I'm quite surprised. Why did you offer them to me?"
Balivardha said, "You rested under my home and that makes you my guest. Guests must always be treated well."
Balivardha and Krakacha became good friends. Every day, the crocodile would visit the monkey, and they would eat the fruit together.
One day, Krakacha took some of the fruit home to his wife. His wife was delighted.
"Where did you get such tasty fruit?', she asked.
"I have a monkey friend who gives them to me every day," Krakacha replied. They grow on the tree on which he lives."
"Ooh!" said the wife. "If he eats these every day, think sweet his heart must be! I want you to bring it so I can eat it for dinner."
Krakacha was shocked. " I can't do that. The monkey is my best friend."
Replied his wife,"Now I know the truth. You love the monkey more than me. If you don't bring me the heart, I'm going to kill myself."
The crocodile was in a fix. How could he kill his best friend? He made his way slowly to the monkey's house, knowing that he was about to betray his friend. He told Balivardha that his wife wanted him to come to their house.
"That's knid of her," replied Balivardha, "but he can't swim!"
"Don't worry," said Krakacha, "you can sit on my back."
The trusting Balivardha hopped on the crocodile's back.
When they had made their way half-way across the river, Krakacha said, "Now I can tell you the truth. My wife thinks your heart must be very sweet. She wants to eat it."
Balivardha thought quickly, "What a pity you didn't tell me earlier, my brother!" he said. "I've left it at home. Let's go and get it."
The foolish crocodile carried the monkey back to the tree. Bhlivardha jumped ashore and bounced up the tree.
"Balivardha, hurry up! it's getting late for my wife's dinner."
"You silly fellow," shouted Belivardha from his tree, "how would I live if my heart were not in my body?"
Krakacha realized he had made a mistake. "I was just joking about your heart. Please come and be my guest."
"Never!" replied Belivardha. "You have been an unfaithful friend!"