The Jackal and the Drum

Once a jackal felt very hungry. So he wandered about in search of food. He happened to go to an abandoned battle-field. The place was completely empty. As he began to explore the battle-field. He was startled by some strange sounds. Although he was frightened, he wanted to find out where those sounds came from. So, suppressing his fears, he moved slowly and warily in the direction of the sounds. He came to a place where he saw a huge battle-drum under a tree. Some branches of the tree were hanging low over it. Whenever the wind blew, these branches brushed against the drum causing the strange, loud sounds. When the jackal observed this, he sighed with relief. Suddenly, it struck him that there might be food inside the drum. So, piercing its side, he went in. He was disappointed to find it empty. The jackal consoled himself thinking that he could at least get rid of his fears. Then he continued on his prowl.